Rahim Yar Khan (+92) 341 4875822


Frequently Asked Questions

Have Any Questions?

You can go through from FAQs or you can also contact us on our helpline.

More Question?
Q: What do we offer?

We offer online sessions of various competitive exams like CSS, PMS, One Paper, Lecturership, Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar etc.

Q: Does Al-Aziz Institute provide lecture recordings?

We would love to but we want our students to learn directly from our faculty members.

Q: How does Al-Aziz Institute evaluate the progress of the students?

Al-Aziz Institute has an Online Examination System to evaluate the enrolled students. The system provides both the Written and the MCQs-type exams evaluation features.

Q: Are demo lectures available for all sessions?

Yes, Indeed! please visit Al Aziz Learning Management System